Rank History
Ranking history from 18/11 to 17/12
Season 13
Peak recorded
End of season
Season 12
Peak recorded
Diamond 2
48 LP
21/20 (51%)
End of season
Platinum 1
90 LP
25/29 (46%)
Season 11
Peak recorded
Grand Master
310 LP
39/25 (61%)
End of season
Platinum 1
70 LP
119/126 (49%)
Season 10
Peak recorded
385 LP
312/279 (53%)
End of season
Grand Master
385 LP
312/279 (53%)
Season 9
Peak recorded
Grand Master
459 LP
166/140 (54%)
End of season
Grand Master
359 LP
204/183 (53%)
Summoner not in game